Creating a partial Debian mirror
When installing multiple Debian Linux systems (ok,
GNU/Linux) with
something like FAI, a
mirror for some debian packages is more or less a requirement. It's possible to
mirror a whole Debian repository, but I'm tight on diskspace and it wastes
bandwidth. Also I want the mirroring tool to be able to run on other
distributions and operating systems than Debian.
Existing solutions
- Partial debian
mirror uses a chroot environment and uses apt-get in there so
only packages that are actually needed are fetched. A repository is then
created using apt-move. This is would be an option, but it needs root
to work and it might need some work for non-linux environments.
- Repository proxies. You point your sources.list to a proxy that caches on
demand. Nice but it's only possible to use http in the client's
sources.list; using file doesn't need a big /var partition on
the client when using FAI and it saves some time without an explicit
download step.
- Mirror tools for whole repositories.
W. Borgert's partial
mirror scripts didn't exist at the time and would have been a good starting
point. My solution is as follows:
- Use apt-get to fetch the packages and their dependencies.
apt.conf enables you to use apt-get completely separate from the system.
This way apt-get can function independently from the system state.
apt-get first refreshes the package lists that the fai clients use (only
one source.list for all clients is supported). For each file in the
pkglists/ directory, packages and dependencies are fetched. This allows
conflicting packages to be fetched when put in separate files.
- Use apt-move to generate a repository from the fetched
apt-move gets all packages in apt-get's local cache directory and puts
them in a nice repository that is apt-get-able.
Debpartmirror is packed in an archive that should run out-of-the-box, download it here. It contains binaries so it
can be run on any linux distribution with libc6. Run ./ in the
tools subdirectory. On first run, it will create an empty repository.
It will print a help message when run without arguments.
basically is a wrapper script for bin/apt-move that adds some
functionality. There is not much documentation, but to start you should do the
following (in the tools/ directory).
- Make your own sources.list
- Edit the package lists in pkglists/. When using FAI, you can
symlink your existing package-list-directory, adding the file
_BOOTSTRAP_ (found in debpartmirror's pkglists dir).
- Run ./ faimirror, and the repository will be created.
You can then nfsmount the ../debian/ directory on your client
boxes and add sources.list entries. See's
command filesources.
Apt on FreeBSD
A final note about portability. To compile apt on
FreeBSD, a small
patch is needed. For your convenience, you can also
download already compiled apt tools for
FreeBSD4. Put apt-get, gzip (not included) and the
directory methods/ in debpartmirror's tools/bin
©left; 2004 by Willem van Engen