================================================================ LAN Router BRN Loader V1.11_6104P build Jan 29 2003 14:48:07 Broad Net Technology, INC. ================================================================ V_Manufacturer_ID=C2H, V_Device_ID=225BH MX29LV800BT top boot 16-bit mode found Copying boot params.....DONE Press any key to enter command mode ...Flash Checking .. Passed. Unzipping program from bank 2...done Try to find image for running... Unzipping program from bank 3...doneABCDEFGHATEXIT : 127054 [GPIO INIT] Initialize Chip Select Pin Setting .. [GPIO INIT] Initialize GPIO Setting .. [GPIO INIT] GPIO 3 High , 4 Low [GPIO FLOW] SetGpio() End. Firmware occupies 0x00040000 ~ 0x00726F60 DATA area is 139256 bytes from 0x0015378C to 0x00175780 DATA area backup to 0x00726f60 ~ 0x00748f54 BSS area is 5969884 bytes from 0x00175784 to 0x00726F5C System startup... soho initialize COLOR1 : 450000 V_Manufacturer_ID=C2H, V_Device_ID=225BH MX29LV800BT top boot 16-bit mode found Set flash memory layout to Boot Parameters found !!! Bootcode version: V1.11_6104P Serial number: 1 Hardware version: 1.0 sizeof(struct III_Config_t) is 64056 V_Manufacturer_ID=C2H, V_Device_ID=225BH MX29LV800BT top boot 16-bit mode found default route: BufferInit: BUF_HDR_SZ=48 BUF_ALIGN_SZ=12 BUFFER_OFFSET=112 BUF_BUFSZ0=384 BUF_BUFSZ1=1632 NUM_OF_B0=200 NUM_OF_B1=1200 BUF_POOL0_SZ=86400 BUF_POOL1_SZ=2016000 *BUF0=0x00519260 *BUF1=0x0032cf50 Altgn *BUF0=0x00519260 *BUF1=0x0032cf50 BUF0[0]=0x00519260 BUF1[0]=0x0032cf50 buffer0 pointer init OK! buffer1 pointer init OK! Init NAT data structure Interface 0 ip = After CLONE Mac addr: 0050fcd5f959 Nallocated memory addr 5e7a70 RxHBufFull addr 5e7ac4 RxLBufFull addr 5e7ac8 RxHBufFull 0 RxLBufFull 0 allocated memory addr 5e7c98 allocated memory addr 5e7d98 allocated memory addr 5e8198 allocated memory addr 5e8218 allocated memory addr 5e8418 allocated memory addr 5e8498 allocated memory addr 5e8698 allocated memory addr 5e86d8 allocated memory addr 5e87d8 init handler table, handler= e96c0 SysSetInterrupt: vector 7 handler ead80 Ballocated memory addr 5eb3b8 TC Mac addr: 0050fcd5f958 Init NAT data structure Interface 1 ip = ruleCheck()> Group: 0, Error: Useless rule index will be truncated ruleCheck()> Group: 1, Error: Useless rule index will be truncated ruleCheck()> Group: 2, Error: Useless rule index will be truncated CBAC rule format check succeed !! reqCBACBuf()> init match pool, Have: 1000 Memory Address: 0x006d63b0 ~ 0x006dd12c reqCBACBuf()> init timeGap pool, Have: 10000 Memory Address: 0x006dd130 ~ 0x0070de84 reqCBACBuf()> init sameHost pool, Have: 2000 Memory Address: 0x0070de90 ~ 0x0071d8b0 CBAC rule pool initialized !! Init NAT data structure RUNTASK id=1 if_task if0... RUNTASK id=2 if_task if1... RUNTASK id=3 timer_task... RUNTASK id=4 conn_mgr... RUNTASK id=5 main_8021x... RUNTASK id=6 period_task... httpd: listen at HTTPD TIMER_RESOURCE:5, FS_RESOURCE:6 RUNTASK httpd... RUNTASK id=10 dnsproxy... RUNTASK id=11 snmp_task... RUNTASK id=12 nbios_main... RUNTASK id=13 padmin_task_entry... RUNTASK id=14 pptp_callmgr... UPnP is disabled RUNTASK id=15 setmac_task... RUNTASK id=16 edimax_main... Starting Multitask... TRAP(coldStart) : send ok! padmin_task_entry() task running lpd Daemon task running printer schedule task running printer task environ = 304380 port_number = 0