
Unofficial Behringer Control Development Kit

 - disper
 - bc2000-dev *
 - tirp

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The Behringer Control series are general purpose MIDI controllers. They are quite popular among users of digital mixing and synthesizer software. The firmware of these devices can be updated by sending special midi messages. This package contains the tools generate these midi messages from a firmware image and vice versa, and to upload them.

This development kit was created to promote interoperability of Behringer Control devices, and to allow fixing errors by the community. It is not allowed to use this for creating commercial clones of these devices.

Note: This software is unofficial and based on reverse engineering efforts. Although unlikely, reprogramming your device may actually render it dysfunctional and unrecoverable without physically opening it and reprogramming the flash chip by other means (bricked). Care has been taken to prevent this, but it is not impossible. You have been warned.

Most information can be found in the package, or you can read it online as well:

  • README explains the tools bcfwconvert and bcfwflash.
  • README.firmware explains how to run the examples and how to create your own firmware.

Releases / code

Development code is available at the bc2000-dev bazaar repository.

The following releases are available:
